Do you want to own a MSI Wind U123H?
Then take the dare!
It's very simple:
Go to the most crowded place and have your picture taken holding the sign “Follow @abeolandres and @talk2globe on Twitter! “.
Like the picture below:

You must have the most creative, the most difficult and the most crowded photos. Five finalists will be chosen and the winner will be decided by a panel of judges.
The runners-up get a Globe Tattoo.
But wait there is more!
If you posted your entry on Facebook and get as many people to “Like” the photo, you win 5 Globe Tattoo and five Php500 Globe Load. That’s top 10 with the most “Likes”.
If you posted your entry on PixLink, 5 entries will be picked randomly to win a Globe Tattoo each.
If you blogged about your entry and linked back to the contest page, 10 entries will be picked randomly to win five Globe Tattoo and five Php500 Globe call card.
A Google Image Search will be done and 5 random images will be picked on the front page of the search results to win Php500 Globe call card each
If you tweet about this contest, 10 winners will get 5 Globe Tattoo and five Php500 Globe call card.
If you have a blog, just post a blog entry about this photo contest. 10 winners will get 5 Globe Tattoo and five Php500 Globe call card.
That's a total of fifty-four (54) consolation prizes and one (1) major prize.
Isn't that easy?
Just click the picture above to direct you to the contest page.
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